A & M Tires also provides major auto repairs such as suspension works, A/C and tuneups, window regulators, computer diagnostics, brakes and more.

Maintaining your car, truck or motorcycle is essential part in keeping it from breaking down on you. It doesn't matter if your car is new or old, if you don't take care of it good, it will cause you problems down the road. Our experienced mechanics here at A & M Tires will professionally diagnose your vehicle and fix it for you for less than what big auto repair centers charge you.

Our mechanics will use the best high quality parts on your car, truck or motorcycle when repairing it. Using computer diagnostic system, we will tell you exactly what is the issue with your vehicle and only fix what needs fixing. If next time your car, truck or motorcycle breaks down or starts making weird noises, bring it into our shop and let us help you get you back on the road as soon as possible.

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